Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weekend in Macon

Okay, so I realize that my last few posts have been about trips to one town or another, but I promise that I do have other things to blog about. In fact, I fully intend on blogging a review of Feallengod: The Conflict in the Heavenlies by Craig Davis later this week, so be on the lookout for that. In the meantime, however, I would like to note some great observations of our schweet weekend in Macon, GA with Sharon's folks.

1. Apartment complexes in Macon are at least 65% better than those in Jackson. The reasons being that they are not only gated communities (A++), but the majority of them only a require a pet deposit and not an added monthly expense to own a pet (A+++). The complexes are not only nicer, they are genuine communities as opposed to most of the complexes in Jackson.

2. On the subject of apartments, there is at least 1 sketchy complex in every city. Macon is not omitted from this group.

3. The Melting Pot is one fantabuloso restaurant! I have to say that fondue is quite amazing and I completely agree with Kitty Forman's assessment that it should be called "fundue."

4. Malls for rich people will most assuredly make you feel middle class the moment you walk into one of the stores and they look you up and down and decide not to help you. Oh well, I still drank a ritzy bottle of water from your Starbucks! Bazinga!

5. Leaving for an 8 hour drive home after 4 pm is NOT the best of ideas... especially when your fiancee has to work the next morning. Still, I drove the whole way because I'm hardcore like that!

That's pretty much it on the observations. There were a lot more, but since I don't want you folks to tire of reading before you finish, I'll leave it here. All in all though, it was a great weekend and I always enjoy spending some time in Macon.

Until next time, folks

- Nick

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Prayer Appointed for the Week (March 27 - April 2)

Live from Macon (as opposed to dead from Macon) here is your Prayer Appointed for the Week update:

Gracious Father, whose blessed Son, Jesus Christ, came down from heaven to be the true bread which gives life to the world:
Evermore give me this bread, that he may live in me, and I in him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Also, other posts to look forward to this week are:
- An update about our trip to Macon (could be exciting, could be boring... Stay tuned to find out more!)
- Review of Feallongod: The Conflict in the Heavenlies by Craig Davis.

See you next time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This is an extra addition to my last post. I completely forgot about the fact that we went antique shopping and may have popped into some seriously questionable flea markets while we were in Corinth last weekend. While we were at this great little antique store in downtown Corinth (because that's where all the cool stuff is), Sharon and I found some coffee mugs for our future home that are straight off of the set of That 70's Show (more likely straight from 1976). So, without keeping you waiting any longer, here is a picture of these psychedelic mugs that I am sure many a cup of coffee will be enjoyed in over the next few years.

- Nick

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend in Corinth

Well folks, as promised, here are some pictures from our weekend in my little hometown of Corinth, MS. Fun was had by all as we ventured to the quaint downtown area for a little lunch at Borrum's Drug Store:

After we were all seated, Sharon and I looked at the menu...

Already knowing what we were going to order, we chose the world's greatest Patty Melt. Literally.

Then I figured, "what the hay, I'll take a snap shot" and caught mom doing what she's always doing... texting.

This is a great little place to check out if you ever find yourself in Corinth. The food is great, the atmosphere is wonderful and downtown Corinth has numerous shops and historical attractions to check out. If you are ever in need of someone to interpret the Mississippi slag for you or just want someone to join you at Borrum's, give me a "hollar" as they like to say and I know that Sharon and I will be on board in an instant.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prayer Appointed for the Week (March 20-26)

Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves:
Keep me both outwardly in my body and inwardly in my soul, that I may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yes, I'm still here

Well, friends... I was planning on doing a post about the history of St. Patrick's Day, but since I have never really read anything about St. Patrick I figured that I would wait until next year and not fill you full of Wikipedia junk. So, until next year friends.

I do feel that this blog post will be more on recent events and a quick update on what to expect in the coming weeks than anything substantial. Therefore, I trust that you will bear with me today and be eagerly awaiting on the edge of your seats for a new post.

I have had some questions come to me as of late about some interesting topics that I plan to research and look in to and hopefully I will be able to answer some of those questions in the near future. I won't divulge the topics just yet, that way I know that you will come back and read the updates (because, come on, why else would I blog unless I knew someone cared enough to read it?). Also, Sharon and I are headed to Corinth, MS this weekend to visit with my folks and enjoy some small town hospitality; be looking for a few picture updates in the near future as well.

That's it for now. I did not want to keep you waiting any longer for some word from me and have you sitting there wondering if I had given up as quickly as I had started. Be looking for a new update in a couple of days. For now I shall leave you with the words:

Peace of Christ

- Nick

Monday, March 14, 2011

Video from Ethiopia

Greetings friends! I thought I would share this video with you from the recent team that went to Ethiopia. It was an amazing trip and we saw God move in mighty ways while we were there. I hope you enjoy it!

Indigenous Outreach International is a ministry based in Jackson, TN that seeks to help make disciples for Christ in Ethiopia by helping support indigenous ministers. To find out more about the ministry of Indigenous Outreach International and how you can get involved, go to

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Prayer Appointed for the Week (March 13-19)

"Oh God, whose glory it is always to have mercy:
Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring us again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."

This week I also thought I'd introduce a feature that I will randomly add to a post about twice a week that I will say what I am currently reading, watching, gaming, listening, etc... you get the picture. I thought this would be a fun way to let you all know what kinds of things that I am reading and where some of my posts may come from. I plan on making a post about this book as soon as I finish and I hope that by me reading it some of you will get the itch to do the same. So, without further adieu:

Currently Reading:
Feallengod: The Conflict in the Heavenlies
by Craig Davis

Friday, March 11, 2011

The season of Lent and what it means for the Church

I have come up with a few different ideas of topics to blog about here and I have decided to write one of them on doctrine/church practice/teachings on the Scriptures. I know, this is an extremely broad topic, but one that I feel gives me some freedom to work with to bring you some various posts and topics to discuss. As the title of this post indicates, this post will be on Lent. Most of (if not 95% of) what follows will be taken from an Ash Wednesday Homily given by Ross Guthrie a few years ago at Christ Community Church in Jackson, TN. Since attending CCC I have come to love following the Liturgical Calendar and using it to study through the life of Christ and have also learned quite a bit about what I used to think were some very odd practices.

So, why do some Believers observe Ash Wednesday & Lent? What is the purpose of the ashes & Lent? What is the historical significance of Lent in relation to the Church? Ross put it this way:
"Very soon after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the church began using the forty days of Lent to prepare themselves for the celebration of Easter or Resurrection Sunday. They baptized new converts on Easter Sunday and the forty days of Lent were to teach the basics of the faith and prepare the candidates for their new life of following Jesus. During this time of preparation, many baptized members already in the church began to make this journey with these new converts and devoted themselves anew to Christ. So, they started the Lenten season by reminding themselves of their mortality, that they would truly die and return to the dust of the earth. That’s what ashes do. They are a sign of our mortality. So, by being marked with ashes, we face the truth that we will die and we acknowledge that we have no other hope in that day other than Jesus Christ to rescue us from death and destruction. Ashes have a strong, solid biblical base beginning in Genesis with Adam being created from the dust and Abraham acknowledging that he is merely dust and ashes when talking with God. They are used in mourning throughout the Old Testament and Jesus even acknowledged their use in Matthew."

Just as Jesus Himself fasted for 40 days in the wilderness, Lent is a 40 day journey of fasting and praying. It is a journey of denying oneself of something so that they might reflect not only on their own mortality, but on their lives in Christ. During this time leading up to Easter, biblical study is focused primarily on Jesus' temptation in the wilderness and His journey toward the Cross. This is the purpose of Lent. This is why some Believers observe this season. It is one that offers the opportunity to turn once again to Christ and follow along with Him on his journey from the Transfiguration to the Cross to His bodily resurrection.

If you are interested in reading Ross' Homily in its entirety, click here.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Prayer Appointed for the Week

I have come to enjoy The Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle. They are a wonderful resource for those who enjoy a daily structured prayer life. They offer passages from the Scriptures as well as prayers taken primarily from The Book of Common Prayer. I have decided that I will post the appointed prayer for the week every week beginning on Sunday (BUT since I decided to begin this blog on a Tuesday, I trust that you will forgive me for it being two days late). I hope those of you who read this blog will enjoy them.

Prayer Appointed for the Week (March 6-12):

Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan:
Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations; and, as you know the weakness of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Peace of Christ,



Okay, so I know I'm not married yet. In fact, I still have about two months until the big day. However, I do still plan on keeping this blog up after Sharon and I wed, so I thought I would get a head start. The purpose of this blog varies... my posts will range from prayers and Scripture references, books that I've read, movies that I've seen, to the quirky things my soon-to-be bride does and our lives together. I am sure that there will randomly be a central topic that might come up, but for now it will simply be whatever I feel led to post that particular day. So, welcome to my musings, I hope you enjoy!

Peace of Christ,
