Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Okay, so I know I'm not married yet. In fact, I still have about two months until the big day. However, I do still plan on keeping this blog up after Sharon and I wed, so I thought I would get a head start. The purpose of this blog varies... my posts will range from prayers and Scripture references, books that I've read, movies that I've seen, to the quirky things my soon-to-be bride does and our lives together. I am sure that there will randomly be a central topic that might come up, but for now it will simply be whatever I feel led to post that particular day. So, welcome to my musings, I hope you enjoy!

Peace of Christ,



  1. Just as long as Star Trek doesn't take over this blog, I will continue to read... :P

  2. Well... it won't ONLY be Star Trek. There will be Stargate, Battlestar Galatica, Star Wars, and of course we can't forget V. ;)

  3. Um, Firefly?!

    Glad you're blogging. Perhaps I will resurrect mine too now that I'm a reader.

  4. Well... Firefly is understood. It's like the silent "k" in know, knife or knight. It's just understood that Firefly is a common factor in everyday life.
